Debatable Podcast

Episode 7: How Can We Make Aussie Entertainment More Diverse? with Pavan Dutta

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Australian news media was savaged this week for being so, so white, and entertainment media is not much better. How can we – the viewers, listeners, readers – help make the media and entertainment landscape more representative of the population? It turns out we have more power than we think.

Pavan Dutta, screenwriter for Neighbours, joins Debatable to discuss the power of soaps and telling culturally specific stories.

In the episode:

  • How Netflix’s Indian Matchmaker is really similar to The Bachelor
  • What makes a good dramatic story
  • Scripted characters being people first, identity second
  • Being the only POC in the room in the white Australian TV industry
  • How everyday people can get more diverse TV/entertainment made

Media Diversity report ‘Who Gets to Tell Australian Stories?’

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