“Young people engage with politics differently to how adults expect us to.”
“White, thin and able-bodied people aren’t going to work thinking about the politics of their job.”
“It’s incredibly damaging for young Australians to internalize a system designed to fail them, as their own individual failures.”
Her new book will change the way you think about the world (for the better).
Academic, journalist and author Julianne Schultz has released the perfect book, at the perfect time. So many of the issues…
“About 80% of our furniture is secondhand and vintage items that we found from all over the place.”
“It was just about completely answering everyone’s questions and any thoughts people had about the drink.”
“In times like this, joy is very fleeting and sought after.”
Award-winning author Bri Lee explains why our education system controls who gets to be smart.
Rohan Nausad, aka Desi Boy, is a true 21st Century creative. Genuine, confident, and incredibly multi-talented, we spoke to them about beauty standards, intersectionality, and being yourself.